
We have submitted our concept for the Petershof

Two months of productive meetings, many phone calls, conversations, emails and visits of the Petershof are behind us. We as a group have continued to grow together and most importantly:

Our concept stands! We submitted it last Friday (july 30, 2021) to the Real Estate Office of the City of Cologne.

We thank our supporters!

Das gedrucke fertige Konzept
The printed finished concept

Many thanks to all who have gone the way with us so far. Your enthusiasm and encouragement are incredibly motivating. We would especially like to thank the Bürgerverein Köln-Müngersdorf e.V. and the many initiatives, groups and individuals who want to revitalize the Petershof with us.

We look forward to the decision of the City of Cologne and expect it by the end of the year.